starring Stephen Dexter & Kelsey Moore
''NY Theater Top Ten Pick!'' -NY Daily News
''A complete & total triumph! STEPHEN DEXTER gives the most moving performance of the season!'' - Newark Star-Ledger
''STEPHEN DEXTER is wonderful.” - Backstage
''STEPHEN DEXTER executes the confusion and pain of his character immaculately, and his chemistry with his lover, from stifled tears to charismatic teasing, was masterful.'' - Washington Square News
''Allie Mulholland's production, darkly lit and minimal, often speaks in the muttered tones of desperation…only DEXTER and Moore given a strong chance, which they seize hungrily.'' - The Village Voice
''STEPHEN DEXTER plays Adam, the protagonist, with an iron steel and determination. His performance possesses humanity and a universal appeal. Adam is transformed from a hard-working ambitious young man to a homeless, animal-like sub-human. His moments alone on stage are some of the most riveting in the play.'' -
''Outstanding are the actors playing Adam and the girl, STEPHEN DEXTER and Kelsey Moore.'' -